After today’s session, the ideas I previously had regarding retail therapy are having to be adapted to fit in with the theme of the Gravity Fields festival, so science and shopping, not a mixture you would normally put together. So to start with I began searching to see if anyone has done a piece surrounding these two ideas, I did not expect to find anything but I did! I found this installation, and it got me thinking… hmmm… Could a small group of people create the idea of clothes that were made of circuit wires that all connected to one main power source. In addition this idea I then began to wonder if we could show how the brain responds to different shopping situation for example; if its a busy shop and you experience bad customer service or if its a closing down sale and your curious at what is in the sale, so now my next thought process will be if I can link the idea of circuit fashion and the idea of the brain’s responses to shopping situations.
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