Gravity Research

So today we had a meeting regarding our performance which is next saturday, we discuss the space that we shall be using, due to our performance not having a time limit, we are free to just let our piece be a duration piece. In addition I have been doing some research and discovered that my weight in newtons is 1120.9518503201634, I believe that as our piece is regarding gravity it is an interesting point to research to understand how gravity works.  also I have looked into how gravity effects the human body over a long duration and also how being in space effects the body also when there is a sense of weightlessness.The main way that gravity affects humans is that it keeps us grounded to the earth. If we did not have any gravity on earth we would be floating around and probably would not be able to survive the way we do now. Gravity affects human beings by telling our bodies how strong they need to be to accomplish work. Gravity also helps to regulate blood pressure, cardiovascular function, and other bodily organs. When humans go into space where there is less gravity, they experience muscle and bone loss, and loss of cardiovascular capacity.  with this research in mind, I think our performance will show how our body can endure durational tasks and how the force of gravity slowly deteriorates the muscle groups. 

Printing Off Posters Is Stressful

So, as I said in an earlier blog, we have discovered that if we wanted to print off the posters we want, the size we want, in the quality we want… well… we just can’t do that. Once again our dilemma is that is won’t look professional enough, we can’t get away with it looking less than perfect, unfortunately we do not have the resources or the money to be able to achieve this, so once again we are having to compromise.
We have the choice of trying to print of the bigger version again, which we have accepted probably won’t work but it’s worth giving it another go, or we will change the posters to a smaller format and create a lot more new ones and put them in the space where the original poster would go.


We have also decided that the bigger posters may be able to be used behind a desk or just further away so you cannot see the quality as clearly

Plan of Action!

So the countdown to performance day begins. With the new information that we will be performing our pieces in the LPAC rather than in Grantham, we have all learnt that sit specific revolves around change. In order for us to be successful in our performances we must be adaptable to change. I see this change as something positive as at least in the LPAC we know what facilities are available to us. My group and I are meeting up tomorrow and are launching our new plan of action. This week our aim is to film 25 Apple video’s that will form a quarter of our overall performance. Multimedia is not only a good way to incorporate interesting ideas not possible to perform, but it will give our performance more texture. We are also in the process of creating and finding 30 ways of using an apple as set decoration, for example posters and leaflets. Uploaded below is a quirky eye test chart featuring a slogan about apples, this is an example of the kind of decorations were going to create. The other 46 ways to use an apple will be performed on the day, live. There is no time limit to our piece we will simply keep performing until we have shown all 101 ways. There is a lot of work to get done and this week is crucial for us that we use it wisely. Other than preparing the rest of our piece should be fairly simple. We don’t require any tech other than that of a projection to show our videos. Bring it on Site Specific…. Apples are a go!!




Our performance is going to be a performance without a time limit, without boundaries which allows us to escape the traditional concept of performance, we have also decided that having the audience be able to walk around freely and speak freely this we have decided due to we want to break the boundaries and step away from the traditional performance atmosphere. Also we looked at the idea of live feed vs pre-recorded and I believe that live feed would work better as it gives our work authenticity and would allow us to have a sense of ownership on our individual pieces. Also we have spoken about the idea of pre- performance and post- performance and we like these elements and have thought for pre-performance we could record the noises we make within rehearsals, so the audience will get a performance that has already occurred but the audience is hearing it for the first time, in addition to this the idea of post-performance is to use post it notes and to have the audience write what they thought of the performance, we believe this will allow us to get a sense of feedback and also would allow the audience to express how they feel towards the performance.

Fast Approaching

As the final performance is getting closer and closer, and due to the change of location from Grantham to the Lincoln Performing Arts Centre for the 10th of May performance, we have suddenly had to change a lot about our performance and modify it to the Zing Cafe in LPAC. Whilst everyone was given their spaces in the LPAC it was our job to secure the Zing Cafe space ourselves, after being told we were allowed the small space we were able to get, it was then clear that we had to make it look a lot more professional and clinical, as that has always been the aim that we have been given.
Jack and myself went and measured the spaces where we wanted to put our posters and signs to make it appear more like a professional work space. The only issue we are having with the posters is that the writing on them, when printed out as big as we want and need it to be, becomes very pixelated, after printing it out 3 times we have decided that we will have to change that also.



Researching our Market Research questions has been a challenge, knowning which questions to ask that would give us the most insight on what people would think of our products, of our company. I would have liked to have asked more questions that would have made people question the ethics of what it is we were trying to do, to question if it was okay to modify yourself so dramatically. Ethics was always something I wanted to explore a lot more but as we were told at the beginning of this term, our ideas would always change and we would probably end up with a performance a lot different than originally planned and we certainly have done that.

The Products that we are going to be showing are the skin cream, unnamed as that is one of the points of the market research questions, and ‘Bliss‘, inspired by Endorphinate® a product that has been developed that ‘dramatically produce a state of calm, comfort, and well-being as well as increased energy and concentration’ (Pondera 2014). So basing the idea on that it is one of our ’emotions in a bottle’ lasting for just an hour as it is a free sample, the emotion we will be giving away is happy.


Pondera Pharmaceuticals (2014) Why Endorphinate? [online] Available from [Accessed 27 April 2014]