Gravity Research

So today we had a meeting regarding our performance which is next saturday, we discuss the space that we shall be using, due to our performance not having a time limit, we are free to just let our piece be a duration piece. In addition I have been doing some research and discovered that my weight in newtons is 1120.9518503201634, I believe that as our piece is regarding gravity it is an interesting point to research to understand how gravity works.  also I have looked into how gravity effects the human body over a long duration and also how being in space effects the body also when there is a sense of weightlessness.The main way that gravity affects humans is that it keeps us grounded to the earth. If we did not have any gravity on earth we would be floating around and probably would not be able to survive the way we do now. Gravity affects human beings by telling our bodies how strong they need to be to accomplish work. Gravity also helps to regulate blood pressure, cardiovascular function, and other bodily organs. When humans go into space where there is less gravity, they experience muscle and bone loss, and loss of cardiovascular capacity.  with this research in mind, I think our performance will show how our body can endure durational tasks and how the force of gravity slowly deteriorates the muscle groups. 

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