When we think of time and space, we think of them as two separate components, the link between which is never really clear. We seem to forget that the house that we live in now, was probably not around 100 years ago. When we think of a minute, we never really begin to understand how much can be done in such a short space of time. Films such as run Lola run come into mind, about a girl who keeps repeating the same time line over and over again changing what happens in that time to change the outcome at the end. We begin to think of how this kind of idea can be applied to performances that we are working on at the present.
In our performance, we are focusing on the ideas of Light and Sound. During our process we have been thinking, in particular when creating our sound performance, about creating a piece which is influenced by 4.33 a piece of music created by John Cage. In this piece he plays no music instead he attunes the audiences ears to the sounds around them as a type of music. We have been experimenting with this idea in our performance, along with ideas influenced by the music of Catherine Berberian in particular her piece called Stripsody. With the idea of using everyday sounds to create a sound-scape of music, we have taken both these ideas and created a piece of performance where we copy the noises that the audience make during the silence that we create. This performance however will change in every space we use, as we will in turn have a different audience, time also plays into our performance of the sound-scape, as the longer we make our performance, the more audience members will begin to realise what we are doing, hopefully creating a comedic effect.