Our meetings are becoming more frequent as our performance date fast approaches and we’re continuing to take steps to enhance our professional image. On top of our employee badges, video presentations and labelled products we spent our latest work effort researching examples of leaflets and writing our own to advertise our company, its goals and fictitious achievements. We have also agreed to bring as many laptops and tablets that we possess to our performance in an attempt to establish that we are a group of tech savvy individuals. Our appearance is very important to our piece as we believe this is crucial in convincing our audience our company is a genuine institution in the UK today. As Professor for Theatre Studies at the University of Kent Patrice Pavis claimed, Site Specific performance “…refers to a staging and performance conceived on the basis of a place in the real world (ergo, outside the established theatre).” The real world setting is imperative to our piece being believable and not coming across as a group of Drama students pretending to be different people. As Jack Tullin has already commented in his own blogs, our age is certainly a concern as we are all in our early twenties and people in such a position at such an age is rarely heard of. On top of that, none of us knew really knew enough about the finer details of cosmetics companies and all that comes from being a part of one to effectively convince anyone that we were a part of such an Industry, which is why we have been so driven in our research and representation to overcome this previous shortcoming. However since our initial ignorance I feel we have progressed to a much more enlightened state of mind, a necessary trait in a Human Inc employee.
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