Today’s session went rather well. We have finally come up with a couple of ideas of how to perform our show in Grantham. Of course our group is experimenting with Issac Newtons myth of how he discovered gravity with an apple. Our version is more of a comedic and fictionalised retelling of those events. As we have come up with 101 things to do with an apple, as a group we want to captivate our audience by giving them insight into Newton and the apple myth and getting them involved in our performance as much as we can.
Today we also had Brad scoff down and apple in less than a minute because we want to also use media to show other people who have set world records by eating an apple in a minute or so.
Along with that idea I have come up with how we can show audience each thing to do with an apple. Instead of traditionally doing a count from 1 to 101, we could possibly show the many different things non linearly (not in chronological order). That way we are bouncing back and forth between each number until we reach 101!
Nathan, I’m delighted that you are engaging with the blog. Npw try to move beyond a simple description of what you have done to also reflect and ask questions. Use some of the material you have read to inform your thoughts.