Isaac Newton The Universal law of gravity.

NewtonsLawOfUniversalGravitationIsaac Newton  (1624-1727) is globally renowned as one of the most influential scientists of the 16th century with many ground breaking discoveries to his name. It was around 1665 that Newton famously took an apple on the head in the name of science as he began to question why objects would be drawn back down to earth. With an audacious claim for him time Newton suggested that the force pulling the apples to the earth, and the fore keeping the moon in orbit, are actually the same force. This was a breakthrough for science as gravity was the first force to be scientifically explained; Every point mass attracts every single other point mass by a force pointing along a line, intersecting both points. This force is proportional to the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.  This changed scientists views on the structure of the universe as Newton was able to unify the celestial and terrestrial by proving that the laws governing the planets in orbit, were also controlling the tides and fruit on earth. People continued to believe Newtons theory until the early 1900’s where Einstein pointed out that nothing could travel faster than the speed of light, proving Einstein’s original theory wrong as gravity would not instantaneously change the earth’s orbit if the sun disappeared. Einstein proposed the 3D aspects of space were combined with a single aspect of time, he named this ‘space-time.’ With this discovery he was able to affirm that, much like the fabric of a trampoline, planets wrap and stretch the unified fabric of the universe revealing what we know as gravity.

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