For our final part of our performance we want to be looking at how Newton’s theory of the prism reflecting and refracting light can be used in performance. I am particularly interested in the different colours it makes and this will be very visual for the audience, especially children. Whilst researching I came across an artist called Stephen Knapp who produces light paintings. The thing that speaks to me through his artwork and inspired me to what we could achieve in performance is the way in which it looks so magnificent but yet is only made out of prisms and different pieces of glass with light shining in different angles to make the colours bend through.
(2005) Available at:
In this photograph, it shows the amazing colours created on the wall, and also the many different obscure angles in which the light comes out. This is also in fact a piece of art made for a site specific museum piece as he is a travelling artist. We aim to use this as inspiration for our final part of our performance and have it bouncing off in different directions into the room. This will hopefully create a sense of discovery and feeling of awe for the audience as it looks so visually stunning but they learn the science behind the prisms at the same time. Although Knapp uses glass and light to create the different colours, we will be using prisms to create a similar effect.
(2011) Available at: